Discourses on mapuzugun on bilingual lexicographical repertoires: a glottopolitical approach to the 1880-1930 corpus


  • José Miguel Ortiz Investigador independiente


The lexicographical corpus of the Mapuzugun produced in the period 1880-1930 has not yet been subject to studies that place it in relation to its specific historical and linguistic context. This paper presents a first analysis of the bilingual lexicographical repertoires produced in the aforementioned period, which marks the end of the Mapuche resistance and the beginning of the state occupation of the territories in the south of the current republics of Argentina and Chile. In relation to this historical context we analyze how these linguistic instruments (Auroux 1992) configure discourses on language that mobilize certain linguistic ideologies about the Mapuzugun. From a glottopolitical perspective (Del Valle 2017) that considers the principles of critical studies of lexicographic discourse (Chen 2019), it is characterized the interaction between diverse discourses on language in the period as well as the incidence of political and military processes in the language space. Based on some characteristics of the works reviewed, general categories are proposed that allow locating and describing the corpus according to the discourses on the Mapuche language that are identified.


lexicography, bilingual lexicography, glottopolitics, Mapuzugun-Spanish contact, mapuzugun