Mental structures, syntactic structures and language teaching


  • Michael Metzeltin Universität Wien/ Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.


Linguistic communication goes from the reality and the semantics to the syntactic expression (perspective of the sender) and from the syntactic expression to the semantics and the reality (perspective from the recipient). It is the task of linguists to place at the disposal of the scientific community and therefore of teachers and students instruments of description and interpretation that allow them to understand and retrace mentally the processes of phrase formation and accordingly to produce well-formed sentences in an explicit way. Traditional and modern formalistic grammars offer ways and methods of analysis that are insufficient in order to master communication semantically and pragmatically. In this paper we offer a propositional method that allows to make analytically explicit the triad syntax - pragmatics -semantics


communication, concept, sender, emphasizing, functema, sentence, pragmatics, proposition, recipient, semantics, syntagm