Educational innovation in higher education: text and multimedia for teaching english with local and professional relevance



Learning a foreign language involves challenges in higher education, especially in those disciplinary areas where English is not the disciplinary focus of study programs, due to the lack of instructional material that is relevant to a university’s various areas of knowledge and its local context. The purpose of this article is to share the process of creating an editorial project on a text and website to teach English with a disciplinary approach to undergraduate students who belong to an institutional English program at a regional university in northern Chile. Drawing on English for specific purposes, the article describes the processes of diagnosis, design and validation of this material by stages and the suggestions for language teachers and instructors. The article concludes by stating some benefits of this type of teaching material for the learning of English of college students.


College students, English for specific purposes, Educational innovation, Instructional material

Author Biographies

Michel Riquelme-Sanderson, Universidad Arturo Prat

Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: Michel Riquelme-Sanderson (

Hernán Pereira-Palomo, Universidad Arturo Prat

Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: Hernán Pereira-Palomo (

Juan Chamorro-Arenas, Universidad Arturo Prat

Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: Juan Chamorro-Arenas (

Romina Castillo-Fuentes, Universidad Arturo Prat

Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: Romina Castillo-Fuentes (


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