
Meridional. Chilean Journal of Latin American Studies is pleased to invite you to participate in the dossier “Relevance of Latin American Marxism: Thinking from, with, and beyond Michael Löwy’s work”, which consists in our 21st volume, to be published in October 2023. 

Inhabiting the crisis. The form of the residual



The present reflection deals with the question about the form of the Anthropocene crisis, thus questioning its aesthetic dimension. As a premise, it is proposed that the very act of forming is at the same time an act of residual creation: if forming is an order, or if the order is based on a kind of purity of contours; then the crisis is the manifestation of the residue, an accumulation of fragments that emerges to burst and dirty what was polished with such care. What are the residual forms of the Anthropocene? Is the Anthropocene, par excellence, the epoch-crisis as a time of production and accumulation of waste? The ecological crisis in Latin America is inhabited between extractivist landscapes and accumulated waste, in a shocking game of abundance and lack. Entire cities grow around dumps, sites that usually precede their inhabitants, who then find themselves in the obvious condition of human-residual. The crisis is a daily experience there, forming the inhabitation of the margins: to that world that does not make a world because it is not assembled, it does not collide, because it is rather an underworld, an enormous residue of the world. Wondering about the ways of inhabiting the crisis allows us to think of an outside to the first –only– world, a sphere that is endlessly exhausted.


form, crisis, residual, inhabiting, Anthropocene