The imaginary of infancy in the Turkish invasion of 1974


  • César García Álvarez Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la E


To begin with, a brief overview of Cyprus' recent history is presented, and after that, a deeper analysis of the imaginary of children in Greek-Cypriot poetry since the invasion of 1974. This article is the result of conversations of professor García with authorities of the Cypriot Government, poets, historians and people forcibly displaced from their homes, all of which took place thanks to a scholarship granted by the Government of Cyprus, for which the author is grateful.    


Cyprus, invasion, children, poetry, imaginary

Author Biography

César García Álvarez, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la E

César García Álvarez, ( Tel- (56-2-2693878- 2392292. Doctor en Filosofía con mención en Literatura. Profesor Titular de las Universidades Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación, Gabriela Mistral y de Los Andes.