
La revista está abierta a la recepción de trabajos durante todo el año, excepto cuando existen convocatorias difundidas a través de su página Web. Los trabajos se deben enviar al correo del editor hcadenas@uchile.cl y no por registro en esta página. Se debe hacer notar que debido a la cantidad de trabajos recibidos, la evaluación de cada trabajo puede durar entre 4 y 8 meses.

MAD publica también artículos en versión “Vista Temprana” (Early View), los cuales han sido aceptados para publicación, revisados por pares y corregidos antes de la publicación del número, permitiendo a sus lectores acceder más rápidamente a sus contenidos. Cada artículo posee una fecha de publicación en línea y un DOI, lo que permite que sean citados tan pronto como se publican.

Por favor consulte las "Normas para la presentación y envío de los trabajos"

Políticas de publicación

MAD is peer reviewed by chosen specialists in the area of ​​social sciences, and also in theoretical-empirical approach of social systems theory and social constructivism. Peer review process operate under "double blind" system, in which two external reviewers evaluate each article and the names of authors and reviewers remain confidential and unknown to each other.

The editorial policy of the journal has as main objective the diffusion of original scientific work in the field of social sciences, research advances, essays, reviews and translations where theoretical perspectives and empirical approaches to social systems theory and social constructivism are applied. 

Given the high flow of articles periodically received, and in order to give space to new articles, an author who publishes its work in the journal can only send new articles after two years since its work was published.

The journal receives articles throughout the year, except when there are ‘calls for papers' published in the website. It should be noted that due to the high number of articles received, the review process can last between 4 and 8 months.

The review criteria of the articles are mainly:

1) Articles should be original scientific papers, research advances, essays, translations and book reviews.

2) The content of articles should refer to theoretical and empirical perspectives related to social systems theory or social constructivism, articles can be based on empirical research or theoretical reflections.

3) The article will be evaluated according to criteria of clarity and consistency, adequate internal organization of the arguments and data quality, references, contributions to knowledge of the subject, adequate preparation of the abstract and relevance of the title.


Guidelines for manuscript submission 

  • Authors submit their articles by attachment to the email address of the journal: revistamad.uchile@facso.cl. Optionally and never replacing the previous, emails can be forwarded to the Editor in chief, Prof. Dr. Hugo Cadenas: hcadenas@uchile.cl and to Master in Systemic Analysis Applied to Society: mass.facso@uchile.cl.
  • The article must be sent as electronic file in .doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt, .odt, or similar. It must be written in A4 size, Arial, size 11, single spacing, margins 2.5 cm.
  • The article should not exceed 6,000 words, including abstract and keywords (in Spanish and English), notes and bibliography.The structure of the work must contain at least the following aspect: a) Title in Spanish and English (maximum 120 characters with spaces); b) name and principal author institutional affiliation; c) Abstract in Spanish and English, maximum 200 words; Five (5) keywords in Spanish and English.
  • In addition, must be attached in a different file, a brief Resume which must include at least the following: a) Full name of the author; b) Academic degrees; c) Institutional affiliation; d) E-mail.


Citations and references


1) Citations: A short citation (less than 40 words) is incorporated into the body of the text and enclosed in double quotes. If the citation has 40 or more words should be inserted into independent and unquoted block. Citations within the text body should be made in the following ways: a) The author is mentioned in the text, "according to the constructivist idea of ​​reality, Von Foerster (1988)"; b) it appears mentioned the idea of ​​an author but not its name in the text: "in accordance with the idea of ​​reality as construction (Von Foerster 1988)"; c) a complete segment of the work of an author is quoted: "We can formulate as follows: "If you want to know, learn to act"" (Von Foerster 1988: 55).


2) Notes: should be placed as footnotes and they should only be used to indicate additional information. If possible, you should reduce the use of footnotes only when you want to indicate an aspect that cannot be developed in the body of the text without affecting its consistency. The footnotes should therefore be used as little as possible.


3) References: Should be located at the end of the text according the following criteria:



Luhmann, N. (1989). Ecological Communication. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Maturana, H. & Varela, F. (1984). El árbol del conocimiento. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Universitaria.


Chapters in books:

Stichweh, R. (2007). The Eigenstructures of World Society and the Regional Cultures of the World. In I. Rossi (Ed.), Frontiers of Globalization Research: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches (pp. 133-149). New York: Springer.

Varela, F. (1997). El segundo cerebro del cuerpo. En H. Fischer, A. Retzer & J. Schweizer (Eds.), El final de los grandes proyectos (pp. 107-113). Barcelona: Gedisa.



Nassehi, A. (2002). Exclusion Individuality or Individualization by Inclusion? Soziale Systeme8(1), 124-135.

Luhmann, N. & Schorr, K. E. (1981). Wie ist Erziehung möglich? Eine wissenschaftssoziologische Analyse der Erziehungswissenschaft. Zeitschrift Für Sozialisationsforschung Und Erziehungssoziologie1(1), 37-54.


Internet sources

Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo. (2011). El trabajo del PNUD en la prevención y recuperación de crisis. Consultado el 9 de Enero, 2011, desde http://www.undp.org/spanish/temas/crisis.shtml.

When using Internet sources (blogs, encyclopedias or dictionaries, magazines, pages dedicated to certain topics or authors, etc.) shall be regarded as such, only if these are not magazines, books or chapters in books.

If there are doubts about the construction of the references, it is recommended to follow the APA guidelines for such purposes.