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Differentiation and dedifferentiation in the pandemic


  • Jorge Galindo Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Cuajimalpa (UAM-C)


The main goal of this paper is to focus on the pandemic to reflect on social dedifferentiation. This topic is particularly important for Latin American researchers because there are many doubts about the relevance of using social systems theory to account for a social reality characterized, among other things, by the expansive eagerness of the political system. At first sight, it seems that Latin America is not characterized by functional differentiation, but rather by dedifferentiation and that therefore systems theory has no place here, as it is a theory for "modern" societies of the "first world". In this context, the analysis of the social effects of the pandemic, which served as a social macro-experiment, allows us to better understand dedifferentiation. To carry out this analysis, I will not only use Luhmann's theory of differentiation, but also contributions from Latin American authors. This will allow me to present three concepts to account for the phenomenon of dedifferentiation before returning to the pandemic and its effects on society. The three concepts outlined in the text are: event of dedifferentiation, episode of dedifferentiation and orientation of dedifferentiation.


Differentiation, Dedifferentiation, Modernity, System of disease treatment, Social systems theory


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