Historic Evolution of State Responsibility for Internationally Wrongful Acts, from the Classics to the League of Nations


  • Sebastian Ramos Zeballos Universidad de la República


This article is a presentation of the doctrinal development of international responsibility of the State. In this regard, it especially addresses the views of the authors and prominent legal commentators of their time, throughout the brief history of international law. From the embryonic perceptions of the first specialists of the 16th century to the first serious codification of international law, carried out by the Committee of Experts of the League of Nations in 1925, this work will follow the transformation of this fundamental concept of contemporary international law. Likewise, these well-known jurists who embodied in their writings the material reality of the international community, enable the reader to understand how nations shaped their responsibility, the contours it acquired over time and the change in State practice.


International responsibility, State responsibility for internationally wrongful acts, International Law, Public International Law

Author Biography

Sebastian Ramos Zeballos, Universidad de la República

Aspirante docente del Instituto de Derecho Internacional Público de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de la República (Uruguay). Maestrando en Derecho (Universidad de la República, Uruguay). Licenciado en Relaciones Internacionales (Universidad de la República, Uruguay).