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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

General instructions

Manuscripts should be sent to Secretario de Redacción, Boletín de Filología, Departamento de Lingüística, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad de Chile, Av. Ignacio Carrera Pinto 1025, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile. E-mail: .

The double-blind refereeing process implies the evaluation of the manuscript by at least two specialists, who must send their assessment within a month. Notification of the decision about the manuscript will then be sent to authors. The reviewers must be specialists who do not belong to the Editorial Board or to the editing institution. Papers are evaluated according to: 1) significance of contents, 2) originality and value for future work, 3) current importance and consistency of conceptual framework, 4) quality of methodology, 5) clarity of presentation, and 6) organization and style.

Boletín de Filología is a biannual publication (June, December). Authors will receive one copy of the journal.


Instructions for contributors

  1. Submission of an article to Boletín de Filología is taken to imply that it has not previously been published. Manuscripts should preferably be submitted in Spanish, but article are also published in English, French and Portuguese.
  2. A contribution should be submitted as an e-mail attachment (Word 97 or higher).
  3. Texts should use 12-point Times New Roman font, justified margins, 1.5 spacing between lines, and letter size paper.
  4. Manuscripts must specify the title of the article, the name(s) of the author(s), affiliation, full postal address of the institution, telephone number(s) and e-mail address(es).
  5. Contributions to the three regular sections of Boletín de Filología: articles, notes and bibliographical reviews may be submitted. Occasionally, another section to publish documents of scientific interest within the thematic field of the journal may be included.
  6. The text of an article must be preceded by an abstract of about 150 words, in Spanish and in English. Three to six keywords must be provided in both languages.
  7. The length of the papers should be of about 30 pages in the case of articles (including notes and bibliographical references), 10 pages for notes and 5 pages for bibliographical reviews.
  8. Papers should be divided into subtitled sections and subsections (if necessary).
  9. Words or phrases which need emphasis should be written in italics. Italics must also be used when a term is used metalinguistically. The meaning of terms should be written between single quotation marks.
  10. Quotations must be written between double quotation marks within the text, provided they do not exceed three lines. Longer quotations should be written as separate indented blocks, with no quotation marks. After the quotation, the surname of the author, year of publication and, after a colon, the number(s) of the corresponding page(s), should be indicated. The same procedure may be used in the case of indirect quotations and cross-references. If the author is mentioned in the text, the reference should indicate the year of publication and the corresponding page.
  11. Notes should appear as footnotes and numbered consecutively. They are referred to by superscript numbers, without parentheses. Quotation marks closing the quote and superscript numbers referring to footnotes should go before the punctuation marks, not after them.
  12. Bibliographical references should be ordered as follows: - Author, beginning with the surname. References should be listed alphabetically by author. - Year of publication. Use small letters after the year (without space or comma) to distinguish different items published in the same year by a given author. - Title of publication. Titles of books and journals should be italicized; titles of articles and book chapters should be written in Roman typeface. - Place (city) of the publication. - Publisher.
  13.  In the case of reference to an article, the title should be followed by the name of the journal, volume and number. Then the numbers of the first and the last pages of the article should be included, separated by a hyphen. In the case of reference to a chapter in a collective volume, the editor(s) name(s) should be followed by the title of the book and by the numbers of the first and last pages of the chapter.
  14. All the works cited in the text must be included in the Bibliographical References section according to the conventions exemplified below:


Lavandera, Beatriz. 1984. Variación y significado. Buenos Aires: Hachette.

Publication in a collective volume:

Frago Gracia, Juan Antonio. 1995. La lengua de los castellano-leoneses emigrados a Indias. En César Hernández Alonso (coord.). La lengua española y su expansión en la época del tratado de Tordesillas, pp. 79-97. Salamanca: Junta de Castilla y León.


Martín Zorraquino, María y José Portolés. 1999. Los marcadores del discurso. En Ignacio Bosque y Violeta Demonte (eds.), pp. 4051-4207.

Additionally, in this case, a complete bibliographical reference to the collective volume should be included, as shown below:

Ignacio Bosque y Violeta Demonte (eds.). 1999. Gramática descriptiva de la lengua española. Madrid: Espasa Calpe.


Serrano, María José. 1995. Sobre un cambio sintáctico en el español canario: del indicativo al subjuntivo y condicional. Hispania 78: 894-905.


González, Marina. 2002. Retórica y estilo en la Relación Autobiográfica de Úrsula Suárez (religiosa clarisa chilena 1666 a 1749). Tesis para optar al grado de Doctora en Filosofía con mención en Lingüística Hispánica, Universidad de Chile.

Paper published in conference proceedings or presented at conferences:

Rojas Mayer, Elena. 2001. La norma hispánica: prejuicios y actitudes de los argentinos en el siglo XX. Ponencia presentada en el II Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Española “El español en la Sociedad de la Información”, Valladolid, España.

Electronic document:

Contreras, Constantino. 1999. El castellano hablado por mapuches: rasgos del nivel morfosintáctico. Estudios filológicos 34: 83-98 [en línea]. Disponible en [Consulta 01/08/2006].

  1. The Bibliographical References section should only include publications cited in the text.
  2. For editorial reasons, authors must bear in mind that modifications will not be accepted after the contribution has been submitted.

For further information, please contact the editor of Boletín de Filología. E-mail: .

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.