
Call to publish scientific articles that will be received between June 20 and November 20, 2019, referring to:

University Pedagogy: With topics such as public policies in higher education, legislative system and reforms, academic programs, comparative policies, massification processes, quality assurance, legal professions, and others in higher education as a general field, referring to the Chilean and international context .

Didactics of Law: With topics whose centrality is related to processes of innovation, learning, curriculum, innovations, teaching experiences, students and teachers characterization , among others in legal education in the Chilean and international context.

Ethical and citation standards (Chicago-deusto) must be taken care of, in addition to the originality of the research or innovation.

Formative research as a methodological strategy of human rights



The purpose of this work is to show the convenience of formative research as a learning tool of human rights. With this purpose, first it describes the most extensive way to teach those rights which consists preferably in a memoristic methodology. Then, formative research is examined describing its main features and its connection with student-centered paradigm of education. Afterwards, the results of a perception study about the use of formative research in the learning process of human rights in Law students of La Frontera University are analyzed. Finally, as a conclusion some reflections about the strengths and challenges of this methodological strategy are made.


Formative research, law education, human rights, human rights teaching, fundamental rights teaching

Author Biographies

Estefanía Esparza Reyes, Universidad de la Frontera

Estefanía Esparza-Reyes is an attorney with a PhD in Constitutional Law. She is also a professor of Constitutional Law; Political and Constitutional Theory; and Antidiscrimination Law. She is also an academic at the Department of Legal Sciences of the Universidad de La Frontera, located in Temuco, Chile. Finally, she is a member of the Center for Research on International Challenges (CIDI).

E-mail: estefania.esparza@ufrontera.cl


Soledad Morales-Trapp, Universidad de la Frontera

Soledad Morales-Trapp es abogada, magíster en Ciencias Sociales Aplicadas y estudiante de doctorado en Estado de Derecho y Gobernanza. Además, es profesora de Derecho Procesal y académica de la Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad de La Frontera, ubicada en Temuco, Chile. Su correo electrónico es soledad.morales@ufrontera.cl.   https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9648-8316