This paper analyses perinatal care in rural areas of Colombia using Complex Systems Thinking and Systemic Design from authors such as Edgar Morin, Donna Haraway and Peter H. Jones, with the intention to provide a critical position vis-a-vis the practices of the Colombian public healthcare system carried out in perinatal care. Through a series of systemic mappings of the relations of the key actors in perinatal care in Colombia, important asymmetries were found. The systemic mappings allowed the authors to pivot the current strategies for more equitable perinatal care, which are reflected in concrete opportunities for perinatal policy.
In addition, this paper proposes a new perspective on health inequity based on Complex Systems Thinking, based on diversity to increase wellbeing in the implementation of perinatal care practices, which begins with the authors’ critical stand on the unsolved debate about the institutionalization of midwifery in perinatal care in Colombia, for those who would like to ascribe to it.
Palabras clave:
complexity systems thinking, health inequity, perinatal care Colombia, perinatal mortality, systemic Design for policy making
Niño Cáceres, L., Gómez López, C., & Córdoba, L. (2021). Systemic Design as a participatory tool framing perinatal care policies in Colombia. RChD: Creación Y Pensamiento, 6(11), 1–19.