
Announcement RChD: Creación y Pensamiento |Vol. 10 Nº 18| JUN 2025 | Dossier: The multiscalar. Deadline for full manuscript submission: December 31, 2024. 

Composite material from Juglans regia shell residue


  • Daniella Parodi Miranda Santiago, Chile


The work was done with the aim of developing an innovative composite material whose main element would be the shell of the walnut nuts, a Chilean agro-industry remnant. The experimental investigation, on which the work was focused, consisted of three phases: on the first one the nutshell was studied and triturated in order to obtain different granulometries. On the second one, it was mixed with different biodegradable binder agents in several proportions. After combining these variables, test tubes were prepared to characterize the material through different trials and tests on the third phase. Finally, the material process life cycle was analyzed with the purpose of identifying eventual inefficiencies during the design stage. The results show that it is a light material, with outstanding thermal insulation characteristics, that can be produced with common tools and molds in the industry. Moreover, the manufacturing process does not require a high level of technology and energy, it generates a minimal quantity of waste, and since it possesses a circular life cycle, it might allow the opportunity to the development of new products.


composite material, experimentation of materials, nutshell, sustainable design