
Announcement RChD: Creación y Pensamiento |Vol. 10 Nº 18| JUN 2025 | Dossier: The multiscalar. Deadline for full manuscript submission: December 31, 2024. 

Postmodern graphic manifestations in 90s' Chile


  • Alejandra Mariela Neira Román Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile


This article responds to a research that deals with the analysis of graphic pieces made in Chile during the 90's, in the light of postmodern theory, with the aim of showing a certain sensitivity in the practices and discourses of those years, which coincided with the incorporation of the computer in the productive field of design, manifesting itself in the use of new codes in visual communication products. These documents were analyzed from their particular sociopolitical and cultural context, namely: the transition to democracy, a crucial period in the country's most recent history. According to the research, the reestablishment of a democratic order and the insertion of the country in a globalized culture were factors that propitiated an opening of Chile to the world, allowing the entrance of new influences, which resulted in the adoption of practices associated with the international postmodernism such as collage, eclecticism and pastiche, applied in youth publications, posters and catalogs, among others.


design in Chile, digital technologies, graphic design, posmodernism