
Announcement RChD: Creación y Pensamiento Vol. 9, Nº 17| NOV 2024 | Open Topic. Deadline for full manuscript submission: July 31, 2024. 

Learning with the materials: meeting of designers and craftsmen by means of correspondences


  • Raquel Noronha Universidade Federal do Maranhão, São Luis, Brasil
  • Gloriana Solis Universidade Federal do Maranhão, São Luis, Brasil


This article presents theoretical reflections about making through the encounter with artisans who produce masks in Brazil and Costa Rica. This is based on creative meetings in which the flow of materials drives the process of collaboration between designers and craftsmen. Through correspondence practices, which anthropologist Tim Ingold defines as attentive ways of being in the world. Thus we look for clues to think our practices learning with the materials, with the intersubjective processes that happen in the field and with the principles intrinsic to the practices of correspondences like the improvisation, the anticipation and the attentiveness. From our contacts with the Boruca of Costa Rica and with the craftsman Zimar, from the municipality of Matinha, located in Maranhão (Brazil), we understand the process of bricolage and containment of materials and at the same time, how such practices are told, characterizing the process of autopoiesis, described by the anthropologist Arturo Escobar, as the key to achieving autonomy.


autonomy, correspondences, design, know-how, materials