During 2020, the struggle against Covid-19 virus became the common emergency that disrupted all spheres of human life; it also pushed the transition of education to digitalization. The Inter-university Design Workshop (TiUD by its acronym in Spanish) faced the challenge of sustaining its solidly framed attributes and objectives since its foundation in 2018: Design as a transformational tool towards just and sustainable futures, learned through deep experiences in real contexts, which enable students to assume their roles as agents of change in their communities both individually and collectively. In order to evaluate the fulfilment of these goals and to identify possible advantages and disadvantages of TiUD’s online version, the research team inquired into the perceptions of teachers and students through a mixed methodology (revision of TiUD’s documents, polls, group interviews, and participant observation). It is concluded that, although this was not perceived as the best mode, the online TiUD enabled the development of meaningful relationships and deep learning-teaching experiences that respond to the context, suggesting that its optimal version would combine virtual and in-person sessions. It was especially identified that, given that the facilitation of socialization was perceived as tiud’s most valuable attribute, in times of social distancing, it might be beneficial to include these dynamics in every educational experience.
Covid-19, Design activism, Design education, Design for transitions, meaningful relationships.
Garduño García, C., Contreras Martínez, G., Ruiz Tule, A. R., Atri Penhos, L., & López Quintana, I. R. (2021). TiUD 2020: The Emergence of Meaningful Relationships During Social Distancing. RChD: Creación Y Pensamiento, 6(10), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.5354/0719-837X.2021.60878