Announcement RChD: Creación y Pensamiento |Vol. 10 Nº 18| JUN 2025 | Dossier: The multiscalar. Deadline for full manuscript submission: December 31, 2024.
The present article is the result of processes of reflection and research arising from exercises in which the designer’s ethnographic work is thought of as when he faces challenges that go beyond corporate work and, in conversations with other fields of knowledge such as visual culture studies and visual anthropology, explores its social and ethnographic potential. As a case study, the results of a doctoral research are presented in which the masculinization of gazes was discussed from the regimes of visualities. In this sense, the following pages explore some digressions on the use of images as visual artifacts that guide the designer in the acknowledgement and recognition of the social life of images and the visual life of societies, in order to build a critical and designing way of looking at realities.