It is a biologically supported and clinically validated fact that affect plays an important role in the interaction between humans and technology, and that it occurs despite the fact that these interactions are not designed to establish any kind of affection, since it is a characteristic of the human condition. There is a tacit relationship between affect and interaction, which is evident with the development and improvement of computer systems and the evolution of the complexity of human life systems, which has led to the concept of socioemotional interactions. This work seeks to present sufficient evidence to reach conclusions about the relationship between interaction, affect and society, addressing a multidisciplinary perspective that facilitates the relationship between the human and the technological in terms of an effective and affective communication that builds relations of long and short term.
Brantes, A. (2018). Interaction, Affection and Society; Reflections from Affective Neuroscience and Customer Experience. RChD: Creación Y Pensamiento, 3(4).